7 Things to Consider Before Selecting Buffet Burners for Keeping the Food Warm
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7 Things to Consider Before Selecting Buffet Burners for Keeping the Food Warm

A commercial catering service is useless without the right appliances, namely the buffet burners used for keeping the food items warm during events. The right kind of buffet burners not only boosts the business but is also cost-effective.

However, there are many factors caterers must consider before selecting the right kind of buffet burners to be used while serving food at small and big events.

Here are some of the most important things you must keep in mind while choosing buffet burners and other commercial appliances for your catering business.

7 Factors to Consider Before Buying Buffet Burners and Other Commercial Catering Items

Food Warm

1. Does the Buffet Burner Fit the Purpose?

Will your buffet burner be able to keep large quantities of food items warm for long hours at indoor as well as open venues?

Apart from the size of the buffet burner, also consider the heating power of the appliance to see if it suits your requirements.

If you are catering for a big event, less powerful buffet burners might not heat the food evenly and you will end up providing cold tasteless food to the guests at the event.

Moreover, overworking a small buffet burner will also lead to regular breakdowns and will thus increase the maintenance costs of the business significantly.

2. Is the Buffet Burner Energy Efficient?

Did you know that using energy efficient kitchen equipment can reduce up to 20 percent of the utility bills?

When it comes to buying buffet burners and other catering equipment, it is best to focus on the long-term costs along with the short-term goals.

An eco-friendly and energy efficient buffet burner will not only promote sustainability but will also reduce the utility bills significantly.

Sustainable buffet burners like the EcoHeat System not provide consistent heat for long hours but also promote safety as they use neither fire, water, or electricity to produce heat.

3. Is the Buffet Burner Safe to Use?

white ceramic plate and black food counter

Chafing fuel is widely used in the catering industry to heat chafing dishes and keep the food warm. However, using chafing fuel comes with many safety, health, and environmental risks.

Chafing fuel creates an open flame that increases the chances of a fire or conflagration taking place. Apart from the risk of fire, there are also toxic fumes that are released when chafing fuel is burned.

These fumes are inhaled by the guests and also the employees of the catering business who must tend to the chafing dishes.

These toxic fumes can cause headaches, respiratory diseases, nausea, and many more health complications. The impact the chafing fuel has on the environment is also something that cannot be ignored.

Disposing of the used chafing fuel after the event is over will not only pollute the environment but will also increase the pollution level we are currently battling.

Therefore, choose a buffet burner that is safe, environmentally friendly, and easy to dispose of.

4. Is the Buffet Burner Suitable for Catering at Large-Scale Events?

As stated earlier, buy sustainable buffet burners that can be used easily while catering for all types of events – big or small.

The EcoHeat System developed by Heat Factory perfectly matches all these requirements as this heating equipment is big and sturdy enough to heat large chafing dishes.

The air-activated EcoHeat warmers can be used as compost after being used to heat chafing dishes. The EcoHeat System will be able to fulfill all the large scale demands of a commercial catering service without a hitch.

5. Can the Buffet Burners be Used in the Future Complying With Guidelines?

We should always invest in things and equipment for the business that would still be useful in the future and not rendered obsolete due to some new rules and regulations.

In case you want to expand your catering business, always buy buffet burners that would help you do that rather than hold you back and compel you to buy new equipment.

EcoHeat buffet burners will be able to provide excellent service for the long term as they are eco-friendly and sustainable and are energy efficient to the core.

It is easy and safe to dispose of EcoHeat warmers and thus they would not violate any regulations and guidelines set by the authorities to protect the environment.

6. Will the Buffet Burners Fit?

It is best to buy buffet burners that are neither too small nor too large. Minuscule buffet burners will not be able to provide the required heat and a very large buffet burner might not fit on the table at the venue.

It is also very cumbersome to set up extremely large buffet burners at the event venue. Therefore, it is best to invest in buffet burners keeping in mind the space it will be taking up at the venues you will be catering.

7. Will it be Too Costly to Maintain the Buffet Burner?

man picking foods on trays

Buffet burners that make use of chafing fuel are not only unsafe to use but also very difficult to clean.

It is very important to keep all your catering equipment spic and span and in working order to maintain quality and consistency when it comes to cooking and serving food at events and parties.

The buffet kits using open flames require more time and energy to keep the chafing dishes and burners clean, resulting in an increase in the maintenance costs.

It is best to use buffet burners like the EcoHeat system which make use of neither fire, water, nor electricity to provide consistent warmth to the chafing dish. Thus, cleaning this buffet burner is a piece of cake that requires very little time and effort.

In Conclusion:

The reliability of a buffet burner depends upon all the factors listed above in this article.

Before you commit to and buy a particular buffet burner, ensure that it meets all the above-mentioned requirements. A catering business runs smoothly only when you can serve warm and tasty food at events for a long time.